Don’t let your money go up in flames any longer, with the weather getting colder and colder your furnace will be operating even more to compensate to keep your house warm. Especially with the up coming polar vortex that is suppose to be moving our way really soon. Be prepared to handle any weather this year and every up coming winter with a high efficiency furnace and let High Performance Heating and Cooling help you start saving money on your monthly energy bills.
Most homes in Rochester NY were built more than 20 years ago and still have the same furnace that was installed when the house was built. If you haven’t had a new furnace installed in your home in that time frame, than you could be in more trouble than you think. The furnaces from 20 years ago are not high efficiency, which means you’re probably spending more each month to heat your home than you need to. If you do not have a high efficiency furnace than for every dollar you spend, only 60 cents of that dollar is actually going towards heating your home. The other 40 cents is just going to waste, almost like you are burning that money away each month. It may not seem like much, but just think of how much that adds up over each month, each year even. With the new technology advances, getting a high efficiency furnace is imperative to saving money and properly heating your home. Most high efficiency furnaces are between 95%-98% energy efficient. Which means that if you were to have a 98% high efficiency furnace installed in your home, for every dollar you spend, 98 cents of that dollar actually goes towards heating your home. That is a HUGE difference in the amount of money you could be saving every year. Not only will you be saving money every month, getting a high efficiency furnace installed will greatly reduce the amount of emissions released into the environment. You will be saving green and going green. We understand most people are hesitant with the thought of investing money into a new furnace when the one you have is still heating your home. Just think about this, it’s 2am and it’s 10 degrees outside and your furnace stops working because it’s 20 years old and has hit it’s life span. The safety of your family is imperative that you have a reliable furnace that won’t stop working in the middle of the night.
When you call High Performance Heating, Cooling & Hydronics to schedule a furnace install, we can work around your schedule and be there when it’s most convenient for you. When our highly trained technicians come to install your new high efficiency gas furnace, we lay down drop clothes all the way to your furnace to ensure that nothing will get on your carpets or floor. So you don’t have to worry about someone walking through your home with dirty work boots leaving foot prints everywhere. We take extra special care not to damage a single thing in your home, and we also guarantee that when we leave your home when the job is finished, it will look exactly as it did before we arrived.
If you’re tired of paying high energy bills each month and constantly burning up money, give High Performance Heating, Cooling & Hydronics a call today and let us assist you in a new high efficiency furnace install and see how we can start saving you money. 585-426-3004.