Ultraviolet Light: Pretty neat, right?
Ultraviolet light: we’ve all heard the term before; passing by the Physics or Biology classroom, in doctor’s offices, and even in tanning salons! But what actually is it, and how does it work? Ultraviolet (UV) light is a wavelength of light created by the sun that is not visible to the human eye. Why, you may ask? Well, all light has different wavelengths, and UV light simply has a shorter wavelength than regular, everyday sunlight. So, our eyes can’t see it. Think of X-rays. When you go to the doctor to get an X-Ray, you can’t see those waves of light pass through your body. You only know they’re present because the doctor told you. It’s a similar concept for ultraviolet light!
Now that we know what UV light is and where it comes from, we can introduce UV light to HVAC. That’s right, HVAC! We can use it to kill bacteria and mold that spread through your house via your air ducts. By installing UV light in your HVAC system, you can lessen the chances of getting sick. While that may be so, UV light does not affect dust and dirt, meaning you’ll still have to clean your system by booking routine maintenances. The best place to install these lights is near the system’s coils, which is where all the air passes through before it spreads throughout your home. Meaning that by the time the air reaches you, the once-active bacteria and mold won’t be harmful. By combining the power of UV light, regular filter changes, and duct cleanings, those with severe asthma or other lung complications will be at a much lower risk for infection!
Pros & Cons of UV Light:
Today, we use UV light in many different ways. Forensic scientists use black lights to analyze crime scenes, it’s used for photography and fire detectors, as well as in tanning salons and for treating skin conditions. UV light also increases the production of Vitamin D and seratonin. This explains why most people are happier during the summer months. While UV light can prove to be extremely useful, there’s another side to it that we have to keep in mind. Too much exposure can cause serious damage to the eyes and skin, leading to “cataracts, pterygium and pinguecula formation“, as well as sunburn and even some skin cancers. At High Performance Heating and Cooling, we recognize the danger of ultraviolet light. Because of it’s location in your system, nobody in your home would be exposed to it. If there is a threat of exposure, we make sure to cover it!
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