Happy Harold’s Tip of the Week!
Don’t crowd your air conditioner. We know that you don’t find your AC unit attractive, however hiding it amidst shrubbery is doing more harm then good. Check out these tips:
Keep Plants 2-3 feet away
There should always be about 2-3 feet of clear space between your AC unit and any landscaping. Any closer than this and you will restrict airflow. This could result in your AC running less efficient than it should, more repairs, and even shorten the lifespan of your unit. Added bonus, our techs will appreciate the extra space when performing your routine maintenance each year.
A little shade is always good
Just like you on a hot day, your AC will appreciate a little shade. We’re not just talking about shading the unit itself, as that could restrict airflow. We’re talking about creating a micro-climate that is cooler than a yard basking in direct sunlight. Having tall trees, shrubs, and hedges will help you achieve this goal all well improving the look of your backyard. Keep in mind, leaves, dirt and grass can clog up your condenser so stay on top of raking and trimming.
Potted plants are great!
Want something less permanent than a hedge but as effective at masking the AC when you have company over? Try a large potted plant! They look nice, and are easy to move when need be! It sounds like a win-win to us!
Maintenance, Maintenance, Maintenance!
Of course, we can’t talk about efficiency without stressing the importance of your routine AC maintenance. Stay on top of the health of your unit with annual maintenance. Let our technicians clean and catch any issues before they become problems. Ultimately saving you money, while keeping you comfortable. Call and mention this tip for a special price on your next cleaning! Or check out our website and contact us there!
585-3HAROLD (342-7653)