If you fear getting a humidifier because you don’t want some noisy motor running and keeping you up at night, you can get quiet humidifiers. High Performance Heating, Cooling & Hydronics can help you find a humidifier that is just right for your needs, both in humidifying the air and giving you some peace and quiet.
Many of the humidifiers we recommend come with controls that allow for quieter operation. When you adjust the controls, you will notice the noise level varies and this gives you control over the amount of noise you have to contend with.
One thing to remember is that if you are using a warm moisture humidifier, they tend to be quieter than cold air humidifiers. You may notice a warm moisture humidifier will make a slight gurgling sound, but not the noisy fan or motor sound you want to avoid.
When you first get a humidifier the noise may seem like a lot, but – as with anything new you bring into the house – it will eventually fade to the background. You will start enjoying healthier, less dry and irritating air while the noise just turns to background noise that you don’t even notice anymore. Before you discount the idea of getting a good humidifier, let the experts at High Performance Heating, Cooling & Hydronics tell you a little bit about what might be the best humidifier for your house.