Happy Harold’s tip of the week: Tips for saving energy and staying cool!
Happy Harold has a few tips to help you maintain a cooler home this summer. More than half of these tips are both free and efficient!
1) Keep the AC at a lower temperature at night
While asleep, you don’t require the same level of conscious cool. Try turning your AC down, so that it’s running less during the night.
2) Service your unit!
High Performance Heating and Cooling is offering AC maintenance at only $79! We know we say it a lot, but having your system cleaned and checked out annually is vital to keeping your system running as efficiently as possible.
3) Check your ducts
Double check that you have proper insulation surrounding the duct work running through your home. Having the right kind of insulation in places like your attic will help keep the air coming in as cool as can be!
4) Take a look!
Make sure that furniture and area rugs aren’t covering up your vents. Instead of cooling the whole room, you could be cooling the underside of your couch! Since that has never been anyone’s idea of efficient cooling, try rearranging your furniture and optimize your cooling potential.
5) Lights! Blinds! Heat!
Turning your lights off cant reduce the heat in your home, as well as reduce your energy bill. But have you given any thought to your window treatments? Closing your blinds when the sun is high can also help keep your rooms cooler, without cranking up the AC.
6) Filtering out the allergens
Its no secret that the pollen in our area is out of control this year. This is why its so important that you check your air filters once a month. All of the dust and allergens that are flying around outside could be clogging your system up! Having a clogged system means your systems is going to have to work even harder to circulate cold air.
7) Mind your thermostat!
Don’t place lamps, TV sets or other heat-producing appliances near your thermostat. The thermostat sense the heat, which will cause your AC to run longer than necessary.
Interested in more energy saving tips? Give us a call at 585-3Harold, or send us a web form by clicking here!